Physiology department is situated in the 1st floor right wing of the college. It occupies about 800 sq meter area and is constructed according MCI specification. Department have well equipped Hematology, Clinical, Mammalian, Amphibian and Research laboratories, Three demonstration rooms having capacity of 90 students each and one Physiology lecture gallery air conditioned having 240 seating capacity equipped with audio visual aids. The department is having sufficient, specious accommodation for teaching and non teaching staff. . Department is also having library cum seminar room and Internet facility for staff and post graduates for teaching and research purposes.
The broad goal of teaching Physiology to undergraduate students aims at providing the students a comprehensive knowledge of the normal functions of the organ systems of the body to facilitate an understanding of Physiological basis of health and disease. Our objectives are – at the end of the course, student shall be able to, explain the normal functioning of all the organ systems and their interactions for well coordinated total body function. Student should elucidate the physiological aspects of normal growth and development and able to describe the physiological reasons and adaptations to environmental stresses. He shall list the physiological principals underlying pathogenesis of disease.
MD Physiology,
BSc Nursing and BSc MLT